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Reiki is a Japanese form of hands-on stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the principle that we all have energy flowing through our bodies which sometimes becomes stuck or damaged. These blockages can be caused by physical illness, negative thinking or difficult experiences. Reiki aims to remove these blockages and to restore a healthy flow of energy.


What does it involve?


Reiki does not require the removal of clothing. You will either lie down on a massage bed or sit upright on a chair with your eyes closed. Your Reiki healer will place his or her hands on various locations on your body to perform the Reiki healing.


The session may be conducted with relaxing music.

Your Reiki healer may provide you with a short ‘debrief’ at the end - a discussion of your feelings and experiences. It is recommended that immediately following a session you drink plenty of water and try to take some quiet time out.


How will I feel afterwards?


Most people feel physically and mentally very relaxed after a session, although sessions can bring up suppressed emotions, helping to release pent-up feelings. For a few hours after a session, and sometimes a few days, you may feel more emotional. Eventually your feelings will stabilise. This process should feel very cleansing and cathartic. 

Some people report heightened perception following sessions – perhaps feeling able to see more clearly or better able to notice sounds and smells.

As well as helping to heal emotional pain or worries, Reiki can also help with pain reduction, including muscular tension. Although these are some responses to Reiki, everyone’s experience is unique, so you’ll need to try it to find out what it does for you!


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